Friends of Tournament – The 200 Club

At the Tournament Ball in November 2016 we launched the Friends of Tournament Group whose aim was to support fund raising to assist our elite skiers to attend European and World Championships as well as promoting initiatives to help the continued development of Competitive Waterskiing.
The first initiative was to launch The 200 Club Lottery that started in January 2017 with 35 ticket holders. We have seen steady growth in participation and since the September 2022 draw there were 200 balls in the bag for 14 months. Currently there are around 183 balls every month so we have a few spare for anyone wanting to join us.
The monthly Lottery Ticket price is £25 of which 32.5% goes towards prizes and the rest is building our fund. There are currently five prizes every month.
The odds on getting a win are really good and the 339 prizes drawn till May 2024 have gone to 130 different winners.
To date a gross amount of over £373,000 has been raised by FoT and after prizes this means over £271,000 to fund Team Travel for World and European Championships teams and various Development activities designed to encourage new young participants into competitions.
With the loss of funding from UK Sport and the ongoing reduction of funding from Sport England this fund raising is of vital importance to encourage new skiers into competitive waterskiing and to ensure we are able to send our very best teams to represent us in Europe and the World. So please join us as a “Friend of Tournament” and a 200 Club Lottery ticket holder.
Sign up forms can be found in the resources section of this website or through the 200 Club news item on the BWSW website.

200 Club Draw Results

The BWSF Ltd Tournament Committee has started a fundraising initiative, Friends of Tournament (FoT), with the specific purpose of raising funds to support the Tournament Committee’s existing activities in terms of developing and promoting our Skiers and Tournament Skiing generally.

The Friends of Tournament Lottery – ‘The 200 Club’
The ‘200 Club’ is a fund raising Small Society Lottery run by BWSF Ltd’s Friends of Tournament. It is registered with the Runnymede Borough Council Licensing Authority through BWSF Ltd. The principle is that a member of FoT can purchase a number(s) within the Lottery, for £25 per month. Numbers 1 through to 200 will be made available. A monthly draw will be held and cash prizes will be given for the first five numbers drawn (with effect from January 2023). 32.5% of the income will be distributed as prizes. (£19,500 if the Club is fully subscribed)

The FoT Income & Expenditure Accounts can be found here:

The Friends of Tournament Terms of Reference can be found here:

Winners have been announced for May 2024

1st £495.63 No. 79 – Andy Phillips
2nd £396.50 No. 81 – Tom Williams
3rd £297.38 No. 160 – Jeff Smith
4th £198.25 No. 178 – Hampstead Heath
5th £99.13 No. 45 – Denham Waterski Club

Winners have been announced for April 2024

1st Stuart Scott-Ely No. 10 – £492.92
2nd Lexie Coster No.187 – £394.33
3rd James Timothy No.67 – £295.75
4th Rod Scutt No. 9 – £197.17
5th Ella Wilson No 77 – £98.58

Winners have been announced for March 2024

1st Corinna Fletcher No. 124 £501.04
2nd John Phillips No. 174 £400.83
3rd Bill Atkins No. 74 £300.63
4th Ella Wilson No.77 £200.42
5th David Stevenson No. 61 £100.21

Winners have been announced for February 2024

1st Nick McGarry No. 26 – £498.33
2nd Ivar Fosse No. 169 – £398.67
3rd John Philips No. 176 – £299.00
4th John Philips No. 172 – £199.67
5th Kelly Atkins No. 129 – £99.67

Winners have been announced for January 2024

1st Ellingham WSC No. 154 – £509.17
2nd Owen McGarry No. 114 – £407.33
3rd Andy Wrennall No. 186 – £305.50
4th Richard Mattos No. 50 – £203.67
5th Sarah Mead & Family No. 182 – £101.83

Winners have been announced for December 2023

1st Jean-Paul No.76 – £514.58
2nd Sale Waterski Club No. 103 – £411.67
3rd James Timothy No.67 – £305.75
4th Helen Newby-Ricci No. 39 – £205.83
5th Gavin Kelly No.14 – £102.92

Winners have been announced for November 2023

1st Phillipa Shedd No. 31 – £525.42
2nd The Elliot Family No.135 – £420.33
3rd Marlon Withers No.149 – £315.25
4th George Hazelwood No.11 – £210.17
5th David Stevenson No. 61 – £105.08

Winners have been announced for October 2023

1st Dusko Lukic – £541.67 No. 72
2nd Team Blubird – £433.33 No. 83
3rd Bill Atkins – £325.00 No. 74
4th Sylvia Phillips – £216.67 No. 123
5th Colin Moynihan – £108.33 No. 120

Winners have been announced for September 2023

1st No. 26 Nick McGarry £541.67
2nd No. 87 Dusko Lukic £433.33
3rd No. 161 Alison Taylor £325.00
4th No 185 Alfie Fletcher £216.67
5th No. 94 Rob & Val Spavin £108.33

Winners have been announced for August 2023

1st Simon Poole no. 100 £530.83
2nd Steve Sopp no. 1 £424.67
3rd. Dusko Lukic no. 87 £318.48
4th Cora Coster no. 136 £ 212.33
5th Nicole Gordon no. 48 £106.16

Winners have been announced for July 2023

1st Rob Poland no. 64 £541.67
2nd PWTC – Charlotte Cole no. 112 £433.33
3rd Stuart Scott-Ely no. 10 £325.00
4th The Elliott Family no. 135 £216.67
5th David Frost no. 24 £108.33

Winners have been announced for June 2023

1st Iain Colling No. 116 – £541.67
2nd Dave & Shelly Nutt No. 62 – £433.33
3rd Ivar Fosse No. 169 – £325.00
4th Alfie Fletcher No. 185 – £216.67
5th Mark Fletcher No. 138 – £108.33

Winners have been announced for May 2023

1st Martin Robinson No. 16 – £541.67
2nd Mark Fletcher No. 138 – £433.33
3rd The Black Cat 2 No. 139 – £325.00
4th Nick McGarry No. 8 – £216.67
5th Jean-Paul No.153 – £108.33

Winners have been announced for April 2023

1st Jeff Smith No. 150 – £541.67
2nd Tabitha Rogers No. 193 – £433.33
3rd Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 – £325.00
4th Andy Dyson No. 54 – £216.67
5th Steve Lawrence No. 4 – £108.33

Winners have been announced for March 2023

1st Team Bluebird No. 83 – £541.67
2nd Vince Turp No. 190 – £433.33
3rd Alison Taylor No. 161 – £325.00
4th Ella Wilson No. 77 – £216.67
5th Jean Paul No.153 – £108.33

Winners have been announced for February 2023

1st No. 198 The Woodgate Foundation – £541.67
2nd No. 43 Witt Gamski – £433.33
3rd No. 47 Adele Fearn – £325.00
4th No.144 Paul Seaton – £216.67
5th No. 112 PWTC – £108.33

Winners have been announced for January 2023

1st Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 – £541.67
2nd Ella Wilson No. 77 – £433.33
3rd Kelly Atkins No. 129 – £325.00
4th Roy Collins No. 44 – £216.67
5th Steve Lawrence No. 29 – £108.33

Winners have been announced for December 2022

1st Peter James No. 175 £650.00
2nd Jim & Irene Newbold No. 41 £487.50
3rd Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 £325.00
4th Paul Airey No. 28 £162.50

Winners have been announced for November 2022

1st  Nick McGarry No. 23 £650.00
2nd Andy Fearn No. 102 £487.50
3rd Nick McGarry No. 8 £325.00
4th  Jean-Paul No. 145 £162.50

Winners have been announced for October 2022

1st  Rob & Val Spavin No. 94 £650.00
2nd  John Philips No. 174 £487.50
3rd  Vince Turp No. 3 £325.00
4th  Owen McGarry No. 114 £162.50

Winners have been announced for September 2022

1st  The Woodgate Foundation No. 141 £650.00
2nd Gavin Kelly No. 155 £487.50
3rd Tim Hazelwood No. 5 £325.00
4th Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 £162.50

Winners have been announced for August 2022

1st Colin Slater No. 106 £650.00
2nd Pete and Eileen Davies No. 99 £487.50
3rd Kelly Atkins No. 129 £325.00
4th The Doherty’s No.147 £162.50

Winners have been announced for July 2022

1st Phil Mitchell No. 52 £575.25
2nd Phil Kinman No. 162 £431.44
3rd James Timothy No. 67 £287.63
4th Lesley Shanahan No. 132 £143.81

Winners have been announced for June 2022

1st Jane Peel No. 84 £562.25

2nd Mark Beard No. 142 £421.69

3rd Stu Lillis No. 45 £281.13

4th Barry Thompson No 133 £140.63

Winners have been announced for May 2022

1st David Stevenson No.61 £546.00

2nd Craig Jays No. 57 £409.50

3rd Paul Seaton No 144 £273.00

4th Chris Singleton No. 165 £136.50

Winners have been announced for April 2022

1st Jean-Paul No. 76 £539.50
2nd Stuart Lillis N0. 45 £404.63
3rd Louise & Chris Roberts No. 49 £269.75
4th Chris Ranner No. 137 £134.88

Winners have been announced for March 2022

1st Andy Fearn No. 104 £526.50
2nd Jean-Paul No. 145 £394.88
3rd Ian Campbell No. 70 £263.25
4th Kevin Lochhead No. 131 £131.63

Winners have been announced for February 2022

1st Dusko Ludic No. 87 £510.25
2nd Witt Gamski No. 43 £382.69
3rd Dr Ian Campbell No. 33 £255.13
4th Simon Poole No. 100 £127.56

Winners have been announced for January 2022

1st Sylvia Philips No. 123 £516.75
2nd Charlie Emmett No. 146 £387.56
3rd Stuart Scott-Ely No. 10 £258.38
4th Glen Campbell No. 177 £129.19

Winners have been announced for December 2021

1st Jeremy Stephenson No.78 £526.50
2nd Corinna Fletcher No.125 £394.88
3rd Andy Fearn No. 102 £263.25
4th Suzie York-Davies No. 200 £131.63

Winners have been announced for November 2021

1st Charlie Newsome – No. 97 £529.75
2nd Jean-Paul – No. 145 £397.31
3rd Lesley Shanahan – No. 132 £264.88
4th Flo Hazelwood – No. 104 £132.44

Winners have been announced for October 2021

1st Mark Beard – No.142 £526.50
2nd Eddie Roberts – No.199 £394.88
3rd Peter James – No. 93 £263.25
4th Chris Singleton – No. 165 £131.63

Winners have been announced for September 2021

1st Suzi Yorke-Davies – No. 200 £510.25
2nd Damien Ackerer – No. 91 £382.69
3rd Peter James – No. £255.13
4th Dave & Shelley Nutt No. 62 £127.56

Winners have been announced for August 2021

1st Val Parkin – No. 20 £477.75
2nd Mark Beard – No. 4 £358.31
3rd Sean Rose – No. 71 £238.88
4th Simon Poole – No. 30 £119.44

Winners have been announced for July 2021

1st Dan Brooks – No. 58 £438.75
2nd Stuart Smith – No. 86 £329.06
3rd Neal Critchley – No. 120 £219.38
4th Stuart Lillis – No. 45 £109.69

Winners have been announced for June 2021

1st Jo Kelly No. 125 – £438.75
2nd Andy Fearn No. 102 – £329.06
3rd Witt Gamski No. 43 – £219.37
4th Sale Waterski Club No. 103 – £109.69

Winners have been announced for May 2021

1st Dave Wrennall No. 76 – £432.25
2nd Craig Jays No. 57 – £324.19
3rd David Frost No. 7 – £216.13
4th Witt Gamski No. 43 – £108.06

Winners have been announced for April 2021

1st Jim and Irene Newbold No 41 – £435.50
2nd Phil Mitchell No 52 – £326.63
3rd Alan Fardon N0 73 £217.75
4th David Stevenson N0 61 – £108.88

Winners have been announced for March 2021

1st Colin Horne £435.50 No. 23
2nd Dr Ian Campbell £326.63 No. 33
3rd James Baxter £217.75 No. 113
4th Andrew Preston £108.88 No. 162

Winners have been announced for February 2021

1st Flo Hazelwood £432.25 No 104
2nd Nick McGarry £324.19 No 8
3rd Cora Coster £216.13 No 136
4th Emma Whaling £108.06 No 77

Winners have been announced for January 2021

1st Jon Wilkinson £422.50 no. 63
2nd David Frost £316.88 no. 24
3rd Mark Beard £211.25 no. 4
4th Danyelle Critchley £105.63 no, 53

Winners have been announced for December 2020

1st Karine Emmett £451.75 no. 51
2nd Sylvia Philips £338.81 no. 66
3rd Chris Singleton £225.88 no 165
4th Dan Brooks £112.94 no. 58

Winners have been announced for November 2020

1st Emma Whaling £464.75 no 77
2nd Vince Turp £348.56 no 3
3rd John Philips £232.38 no 7
4th Peter Davies £126.19 no 99

Winners have been announced for October 2020

1st Witt Gamski £464.75 No 43
2nd Alan Fardon £348.56 No 73
3rd Vince Turp £232.38 No 3
4th David Wrennall £116.19 No 76

Winners have been announced for September 2020

1st Glen Marshall £474.50 No 56
2nd Steve Irving £355.88 No 110
3rd Craig Jays £237.25 No 57
4th Alison Halford and Andy Wrennall £118.63 No 37

Winners have been announced for August 2020

1st Simon Poole £461.50 No 38
2nd Paul Nott £346.13 No 15
3rd Owen McGarry £230.75 No 114
4th Team Bluebird £115.38 No 83

Winners have been announced for July 2020

1st Alan Fardon £455.00 No 73
2nd Dave Wrennall £341. 25 No 76
3rd Dan Brooks £227.50 No 58
4th Jane Peel £113.75 No 84

Winners have been announced for June 2020

1st Claire James £451.75 No 32
2nd Sean Rose £338.81 No 71
3rd Team Bluebird £225.88 No 83
4th Bill Atkins £112.94 No 74

Winners have been announced for May 2020

1st David Stevenson £451.75 No 61
2nd Simon Poole £338.81 No 38
3rd Jon Wilkinson £225.88 No 63
4th Nick McGarry £112.94 No 26

Winners have been announced for April 2020

1st Stuart Scott-Ely £458.25 No 10
2nd Colin Slater £343.69 No 60
3rd Juliet Thompson £229.13 No 85
4th Jo Kelly £114.56 No 125

Winners have been announced for March 2020

1st George Hazelwood £461.50 No 11
2nd John Philips £346.13 No 107
3rd Peter James £230.75 No 175
4th Jose Antonio Perez Priego £115.38 No 105

Winners have been announced for February 2020

1st Tom Williams £468 No 81
2nd Dr. Ian Campbell £351 No 33
3rd Stuart Lillis £234 No 118
4th Andy Phillips £117 No 79

Winners have been announced for January 2020

1st Dave & Shelley Nutt £468 no. 62.
2nd Nick McGarry £351 no. 26.
3rd Andy Wrennall £234 no. 37.
4th Jodi Fisher £117 no. 150.

Winners have been announced for December 2019

1st Stuart Hill £471.25 no 117
2nd Peter James £353.44 no 175
3rd Vince Turp £235.63 no 3
4th Steve Sopp £117.81 no 195

Winners have been announced for November 2019

1st Jo Kelly £474.50 no 125
2nd Patric Foley-Brickley £355.88 no 91
3rd John Philips £237.25 no 07
4th The Rostance Family no 109

Winners have been announced for October 2019

1st Val Parkin £1,080 no 20
2nd Tim Hazelwood £720 no 5
3rd Paul Seaton £360 no 68

Winners have been announced for September 2019

1st Rob & Val Spavin £510.00 no 92
2nd Stuart Hills £340.00 no 190
3rd OWSC £170 no 126

Winners have been announced for August 2019

1st Alan Fardon £502.50 no 73
2nd Paul Seaton £335.00 no 68
3rd Jodie Fisher £167.50 no 47

Winners have been announced for July 2019

1st Emma Whaling £483.75 no 77
2nd John Phillips £322.50 no 69
3rd Peter Collins £161.25 no 180

Winners have been announced for June 2019

1st Rob Poland £461.25 no 64
2nd Simon Poole £307.50 no 38
3rd Patric Foley-Brickley £153.75 no 17

Winners have been announced for May 2019

1st Robert Rowlands £431.25 no 36
2nd David Frost £287.50 no 24
3rd Viv Brown £143.75 no 170

Winners have been announced for April 2019

1st Roy Collins £412.50 no 44
2nd Stuart Lillis £275.00 no 45
3rd Jeremy Stephenson £137.50 no 78

Winners have been announced for March 2019

1st Steve Sopp £401.25 No 1
2nd James Timothy £267.50 No 67
3rd Andy Phillips £133.75 No 79

Winners have been announced for February 2019

1st George Hazelwood £390 No 11
2nd Val Parkin £260 No 20
3rd Kate Rogers £130 No 140

Winners have been announced for January 2019

1st Roy Collins £390 No 44
2nd Davie Wrennall £260 No 72
3rd Dave & Shelley Nutt £130 No 62

Winners have been announced for December 2018

1st Stuart Lillis £401.25 No 45
2nd Jeremy Stephenson £267.50 No 78
3rd Gavin Kelly £133.75 No 14

Winners have been announced for November 2018 below:

1st Paul Seaton £405.00 No 68
2nd Steven Critchley £270.00 No 42
3rd Paul Seaton £135 No 34

Winners have been announced for October 2018 below:

1st Peter Collins £787.50 No 180
2nd Robert Rowlands £525.00 No 36
3rd Nick McGarry £262.50 No 26

Winners have been announced for September 2018 below:

1st Peter James £393.75 No.175
2nd Jill Howard £262.50 No.65
3rd Angie Mitchell £131.25 No.59

Winners for August have been announced below:

1st Lee Jackson £390 No. 82
2nd Karine Emmett £260 No. 51
3rd Neal Critchley £130 No. 120

Winners for July 2018 have been announced below:

1st Vince Turp £360 No.3
2nd Patric Foley-Brickley £240 No.17
3rd Jill Howard £120 No.65

Winners for June 2018 have been announced below:

1st Jodi’s Ski School £345 No. £150
2nd Val Parkin £230 No. 20
3rd Colin Horne £115 No. 23

Winners for May 2018 have been announced below:

1st Richard Crossland £337.50 No. 111
2nd Rod Scutt £225 No. 09
3rd Colin Horne £112.50 No. 23
Winners have been announced for April 2018 below:

1st Steve Garcia £315 No.15
2nd Steve Sopp £210 No.1
3rd Jim Metcalf £105 No.110

Winners have been announced for March 2018 below:

1st Steve Lawrence £296.25 No.29
2nd Gavin Kelly £197.50 No.14
3rd Suzie Yorke-Davies £98.75 No.200

Winners have been announced for February 2018 below:

1st Paul Seaton £281.25 No.68
2nd Richard Crossland £187.50 No.111
3rd Martin Winter £93.75 No.90

Winners have been announced for January 2018 below:

1st Martin Winter £277.50 No.90
2nd Carl Turp £185 No.160
3rd George Hazelwood £92.50 No.11

Winners have been announced for December below:

1st Richard Crossland £277 No.111
2nd Catherine Wharton £185 No.6
3rd Robert Spavin £92 No.92

Winners have been announced for November below:

1st Rodney Rowlands £270 No.83
2nd Cheryl Douglas £360 No.25
3rd George Hazekwood £180 No.11

Winners have been announced for October below:

1st Jill Howard £262.50 No.65
2nd Nick McGarry £175.00 No.26
3rd Jeremy Stephenson £87.50 No.78

Winners have been announced for September below:

1st Lee Jackson £255 No.82
2nd Dusko Lukic £170 No. 87
3rd Peter James £85 No.175

Winners have been announced for August below:

1st Jeremy Stephenson £243.75.25 No.78
2nd Shelley Nutt £162.50 No. 62
3rd Colin Horne £81.25 No.23

Winners have been announced for July below:

1st Daniel Brookes £236.25 No.58
2nd John Philips £157.50 No. 69
3rd Richard Crossland £78.75 No.111

Winners have been announced for June below:

1st Dave and Shelley Nutt £195 No.62
2nd John Philips £130 No. 69
3rd Kate Rogers £65 No.140

Winners have been announced for May below:

1st Pete and Eileen Davies £165 No.99
2nd Roy Collins £110 No. 44
3rd Mark Burridge £55 No. 48

Winners have been announced for April below:

1st Martin Winter £ 161.25 No 90
2nd Paul Butterfield £107.50 No 40
3rd Val Parkin £53.75 No 20

Winners have been announced for March below:
1st Prize £150 Colin Slater No 60
2nd Prize £100 Martin Winter No 90
3rd Prize £50 Rob Spavin No 92

Winners have been announced for February below:

1st Prize £138.75 Rod Scutt No 9
2nd Prize £92.50 Witt Gamski No 43
3rd Prize £46.25 Roy Collins No 44

Winners have been announced for January below:

First Prize: £131.25…… Number 38….. Simon Poole
Second Prize: £87.50….. Number 65….. Jill Howard
Third Prize: £43.75……Number 2…….Derek Rasey

32.5% of the monthly income will be used to provide four prizes:
First Prize 13% of that month’s income (£650 if the Club is fully subscribed)
Second Prize 9.75% of that month’s income (£487.50 if the Club is fully subscribed)
Third Prize 6.5% of that month’s income (£325 if the Club is fully subscribed)
Forth prize of 3.25% of that month’s income (£162.50 if the Club is fully subscribed)

1. The 200 Club shall be administered by FoT as a Sub-Committee of BWSF Ltd.
2. The monthly draw will take place at the end of the month and winners will
be announced shortly after.
3. Prizes will be paid by cheque and sent by post to the address held for that
number/participant or by BACS credit by the 14th day of the following month.
4. The cost per number is £25/month paid by Direct Debit, or £300/year
(if preferred) paid by Direct Debit, cheque or card payment.
5. There is no limit on the amount of numbers an individual or household can buy.
6. To be entered into a draw payment must be received by the 15th day of the
month of the draw.
7. Participants must be over 16 years old.
8. Participants agree to their name being published on BWSW and FoT social
media and other publicity.
9. Participants will only be entered into a monthly draw if payments are up to date.
10. If a participant misses two payments then his number may be sold to the next
person on the waiting list.
11. In the event of any dispute the FoT committee decision shall be final.
12. If a prize cheque is not presented within 6 months and the winner cannot be contacted the funds will revert to FoT.

Friends of Tournament 200 Club is a fund raising initiative of the Waterski Committee of The British Water Ski Federation Limited (company number 913182) with the specific purpose of raising funds to support the Waterski Committee’s existing activities in terms of developing and promoting our Skiers and Water Skiing generally. c/o British Water Ski & Wakeboard Unit 3 The Forum Hanworth Lane Chertsey KT16 9JX