Friends of Tournament 200 CLUB Poster

We now have a downloadable posters for the FoT 200 Club that we hope all Affiliated Clubs will display in their Clubhouses. The five recent Development Days jointly funded by FoT and BWSW have been a great success and we want to do more of these. We are already getting new requests from clubs that have not hosted one of these. But we can only do it if we continue to raise money through initiatives like the 200 Club. We have 118 ticket holders in June raising almost £3,000 each month. 32.5% of this goes out in prizes and the rest will support our Skiers going to World and European Championships and Development initiatives such as the Development Days. Why not get your Club to join in and get a lottery ticket? Who knows, you might win a prize to boost club funds and you will definitely by helping our sport to future success.