The Nationals will take place on 24th – 27th August hosted by Oxford Wakeboard and Ski Club for the third consecutive year.The Cash Prize Night Slalom will return and a new initiative this year will be a two day “Friends of Tournament, Development Days, Youth Festival”, aimed to bring D Day participants into the event. Details are still being developed but will be announced in Bulletin 1 for the Nationals that will be published shortly.The Nationals planning committee has also agreed that the modifications to entry criteria used last year will apply again as follows:QUALIFICATIONSThe entry standards as defined in the Additional Rules are again being waived for this year and the following will apply.
U10/U12 No qualifications required but if an U12 wants to jump they must have a registered Jump score in a Competition at any time.
U14/U17/U21/Open No specific qualifications needed but must have a registered score at any time in the past for the events entered.
35+ No qualifications needed but must have a registered score at any time past for the events entered.

Please note that both a British Competitors Licence and an IWWF Licence are required. A one off IWWF Licence can be purchased on EMS. The events are live on EMS for entries at